Thursday, November 10, 2011

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous

 My recent visit to a mall in indonesia was very exciting... The girls, i saw, were very dressed up.  They all are on heels. Circling the mall for hours... I don't know they do.  They look so fabulous, Unlike californian, very laid back.  It was a treat to see these beautiful people around.  I love asia...

what i wear :  Dress-vintage


  1. Thank you so much for following my blog. I am trully honoured.
    You have no google gadget to Follow.Do let me know when you do.

  2. your welcome...i love your to read, and enjoy looking at your pictures... i'm still trying to figure out how this blog work. i'll let you know when i do. :)

  3. obsessed with this dress. so cute. so glad I stumbled upon your blog. totally following. If you get second, I'd love if you'd check out mine. It's all about the adventures of a east coast girl turned LA stylist. thanks, love. xo
